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At this stage we are working on development of a Facebook Messenger Chat Bot which can be reached through www.Enry.Chat. ​

We focuse on creating ChatBot solutions that people love, because they react quickly, are convenient to use, add an entire layer of gamification on top of already engaging sports, and create new group dynamics. Using our bot, everyone gets involved simply because being part of a bigger group is more engaging. You are a possible customer if you are interested in personified solutions for training motivation: a corporation with a table tennis table to have employees engage in physical activity during breaks; ​ training centers that offer table tennis, tennis, badminton, and squash courts and want to have a local leaderboard; Universities that want more students to engage in regular physical activity while fostering a feeling of belonging and psychological health through social interactions. ​

We want to create the best product for you. Initially, the ChatBot can be developed for training centers, sport clubs, and tournament organizers. Tell us your specific wishes of how the bot should work and what it should be able to do. We take a consultant role on how to implement automated ChatBot-variants for training. ​ ​

Our first functionality test included the aforementioned Facebook Messenger Bot that makes it possible to register table tennis scores from all students at NTNU. Within the first 2 months of testing, about 120 participants registered over 500 scores from which ranking lists could be created. The positive feedback includes the social aspect and the advantages gamification offers. ​

Enry is a lean startup. We keep costs down by offering attractive return on investment. This is sensible when income can only be generated after successful product development. Until then, acting economically with the available resources is key.

Our ChatBot solutions offer an outstanding user experience, personalized to each individual customer, including appearance and design.

Enry needs scope for securing future revenue. Being able to expand market and service is important to transfer efforts from Trondheim to Oslo, before proceeding towards internationalization. We will have a transparent flow of information regarding data protection, company health, and future projects. Customers, partners, and investors will be kept up to date on current development.

​ DISCLAIMER: does not receive any data from visitors of the page. If you send us an e-mail, you decide how much information you provide in order for us to be able to reach you back.


Klæbuveien 52

7030 Trondheim

+47 98 45 44 99